
Cloudways 2022: How it is Changing the Game for Web Hosting

Are you looking for Fastest Web-hosting Services you can get in 2022 for Your Website?

Your business exists online. After spending so much time and energy creating your website, you now have to worry about security, downtime, and other issues. So You need a website hosting service that will do everything for you.

So how can you pick the fastest, most cost-effective, and most reliable hosting for your website?

Cloudways is the Answer!

Cloudways is needed by any chance. It just makes no difference if you run a small or large business with Cloudways. They can satisfy your needs and offer first-rate customer service.

So Let\'s Dive in, And Show You Why We\'re Recommending Cloudways!

What is Cloudways?

The managed hosting company Cloudways places a strong emphasis on simplicity and performance. Cloudways eliminates all the headaches of server management, from the straightforward server and application start to the continuing server maintenance, so you can keep concentrating on expanding your business.

You receive a set of strong management tools and services when you sign up with Cloudways for your e-commerce storefronts and company websites. The main selling point of Cloudways is choice: the choice of cloud service providers, the decision to host practically all PHP-powered applications, the opportunity to utilize a premium or free SSL, and the choice of processes geared at developers and agencies.

As soon as the server and application are launched, the concepts of choice and freedom to concentrate on what is important to the users are introduced. Users can customize the Cloudways platform to match their operational needs and business operations thanks to a choice of five IaaS providers (AWS, GCE, DigitalOcean, Vultr, and Linode) and several versions of popular programs (including four variations of WordPress and two of Magento).

The best thing about Cloudways is that they are one of the few providers that offer a free trial period for their services.

Cloudways Hosting Options

Cloudways is a cloud hosting service provider that offers different types of hosting options. It is a managed WordPress hosting service with the following features:

Full-featured WordPress Hosting: Cloudways is the best choice for those looking for a managed WordPress hosting service. It has all the features that you need to run and manage your website, including one-click staging and cloning, automatic backups, security updates, live chat support, etc.

Dedicated Resources: You can get dedicated resources from Cloudways by selecting its dedicated server plan. With this plan, you can have full control over your server and set up everything as you want it to be.

Self-Managed Hosting: If you want to try out all the features of Cloudways but don\'t want to spend.


Cloudways Key Features

While Cloudways does use the unique cloud hosting approach that we mentioned in the introduction, Cloudways still offers a suite of features that compares favorably with more “old-school” hosting providers.

Let\'s start by discussing the hosting environment itself. Cloudways set up your server with a hybrid \”Apache + Nginx\” stack. Then, it provides several caching layers, including Nginx, Varnish, and Memcached, to boost performance. Redis installation is also a simple solution.

All of this will be immediately implemented when Cloudways configures your server, along with protecting it and keeping everything up to date.

Additional features provided by Cloudways include the following:

  • Automatic server-level backups and on-demand single-site backups
  • Staging sites
  • Free WordPress performance plugin called Breeze
  • Site cloning
  • Free SSL certificates
  • Built-in content delivery network (CDN)
  • SMTP at the server level for transactional emails
  • Bot protection
  • Cron job management
  • Basic server monitoring
  • Option to add team members for collaboration

How to Setup a WordPress Site With Cloudways

WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. One of the best things about WordPress is that it is used by many people all over the world. It has an intuitive user interface, making it easy to use for beginners.

Cloudways has a simple and easy way to start your blog on WordPress. You have to sign up with them and then choose the cloud hosting you want to use. After choosing the hosting plan, you will be guided through a few steps to set up your WordPress site with Cloudways.

Read More About How to Start an Online Store and Start Making Money

What You Can Do with Your New Website Hosted on Cloudways

Cloudways offers a one-click solution to create a website. You can sign up for Cloudways and start building your website in just a few minutes.

Cloudways offers three hosting plans: Starter, Business, and Enterprise. The starter plan is the cheapest of the three but it doesn\'t come with any support or updates from the company. It is only suitable for those who don\'t need anything more than basic hosting services. The Business plan is perfect for small to medium businesses that want to get their websites up and running quickly without paying too much for hosting services. The Enterprise plan provides all of Cloudways\' features but it also comes with additional benefits such as dedicated servers, priority support, and customized servers (for an additional fee).

Cloudways is an excellent option for developers who want to create a website or blog without any hassle. They offer a platform that allows you to host your website on any server in any geographical location in the world. This means you are not confined to one region but can choose the best server for your website\'s needs depending on where it is hosted.

User Experience with Cloudways

Let\'s start at the beginning with setting up a server and installing WordPress because Cloudways offers a distinctive experience. Then, we\'ll walk you through some of the tools available to you through Cloudways\' unique interface to manage your websites and servers.

Starting a Server and setting up WordPress

The first time you sign up for a Cloudways account, you\'ll be asked to start a server and deploy an \”application.\” Any software that you want to install on your server is referred to as an application; examples include WordPress, Magento, Laravel, and more.

You have three options after selecting your application and providing some basic information. You may opt for…

  • Your cloud hosting provider
  • The resources that your server has
  • The location of your server

You’ll see a summary of the price at the bottom and then you can click Launch Now to create your server:


And WOW, that’s it!

How to Manage Your Server

There are two primary tabs on your Cloudways dashboard:

  • Servers – this is where you manage all of your cloud servers.
  • Applications – this is where you manage your websites.

You can manage all server-level information by opening a server\'s dashboard, which includes:

  • Monitoring – keep an eye on your server’s resources.
  • Vertical Scaling – easily increase the resources of your server.
  • Backups – take backups of your entire server.
  • SMTP – you can set up an SMTP provider for transactional emails at the server level.

Managing Your WordPress Site

You may get a list of all your WordPress sites by going to the Applications tab. You may access a site\'s dashboard by clicking on it. You may access all the site-specific data and resources here, including:

  • Viewing access credentials for WP admin, FTP, MySQL, and so on.
  • Associating domains with your site.
  • Setting up cron jobs.
  • Installing the free SSL certificate.
  • Taking and managing backups.
  • Deploying a site via Git.
  • Integrating the Cloudways CDN.

Cloudways Useful WordPress Tools

Let\'s now discuss some of the Cloudways tools that are most helpful for controlling your WordPress websites.

First, you may utilize Cloudways\' simple cloning/staging tool from the main Applications list. You can either clone your site to the same host or another server, or you can build a real staging site:

You can simply push/pull data between your live site and staging if you construct a staging site because it will seem as its application:

Along with the server-level backups that Cloudways routinely performs, the Backup and Restore tab also allows you to create on-demand backups for a particular site:

To create your server-side cron jobs, use the Cron Job Management tab\'s incredibly straightforward interface:

The SSL Certificate tab allows you to quickly and easily install a free Let\'s Encrypt SSL certificate:

This is by no means a comprehensive list of available tools, but our main goal is to demonstrate that Cloudways offers a robust set of administrative tools that stacks up well against more \”conventional\” hosts.

Cloudways Support

The assistance offered by Cloudways is enough for the job, but you should be aware that it isn\'t as comprehensive as support offered by other hosts, particularly managed WordPress hosts.

By default, Cloudways supports both the Cloudways platform and your hosting server. Cloudways will undoubtedly step in and assist you if you have an issue with the server or something involving Cloudways itself.

Live chat support is available to you all the time to contact them. However, Cloudways does not by default offer application support. In other words, they don\'t formally provide support for any software you put on your server, including WordPress.

For instance, their support team can assist you if you\'re having issues with the WordPress installer that Cloudways provides. But if you\'re experiencing a problem with your WordPress website, the free assistance doesn\'t cover that (though Cloudways will sometimes help anyway).


Cloudways Pricing

The cost of Cloudways is determined by the cloud hosting company you select as well as the capabilities of your server.

Generally speaking, the $10 entry-level DigitalOcean server, which already provides outstanding performance, is the least expensive alternative. Utilizing our Cloudways discount will make it even more affordable.

For cloud hosting, there is no additional cost. The cost that you see at Cloudways includes both the costs for Cloudways and the underlying cloud hosting.


The total cost is typically a multiple of the cost of the underlying hosting, which is something to keep in mind.

Here is a breakdown of the DigitalOcean plans, for instance:

  • Included in the total price are both the underlying cost and Cloudways\' fee. This is the monthly cost.
  • If you purchased an unmanaged VPS straight from DigitalOcean, you would pay the DigitalOcean Price.
  • Implied Cloudways Fee: the price you effectively pay for just the Cloudways service (total price minus DigitalOcean price).
Tier (RAM)Total PriceDigitalOcean PriceImplied Cloudways Free
1 GB$10$5$5
2 GB$22$10$12
4 GB$42$20$22
8 GB$80$40$40

As you can see, as you improve your hosting, the premium you pay for Cloudways compared to the underlying cloud hosting increases, which creates an odd situation:

Cloudways is quite reasonably priced for servers with fewer resources. For instance, Cloudways offers good value because you essentially pay $5 per month to have Cloudways run your DigitalOcean server if you purchase the entry-level server (which will be appropriate for most sites).

However, Cloudways can be pricey for what it delivers if you\'re thinking about buying one of the higher-resource servers. Even though the Cloudways platform is the same in both, you move from paying a $5 premium compared to the underlying hosting on the 1 GB plan to paying a $40 premium on the 8 GB plan.

Which Cloud-Hosting Should You Use?

We advise starting with the Vultr High-Frequency servers if you are unsure of which cloud hosting company to pick. They cost a little more than the base-level DigitalOcean servers, but the enhanced performance makes up for the difference.


You can start with the fewest resources (the least expensive server) and scale your server as necessary.

Cloudways Pros and Cons

Let\'s discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of using Cloudways for hosting as our study of Cloudways draws to a close.


  • fantastic value for the money. Even the most affordable Cloudways subscription can deliver exceptional performance when scaled.
  • No arbitrary boundaries. There are no arbitrary website limits imposed by Cloudways. You can host as many websites as you like on your server, provided it has the resources.
  • Tools for WordPress that are useful – you get features like backups, staging sites, a plugin for WordPress optimization, and more.
  • Since many other cloud server panels require you to set up SMTP services for each WordPress site, server-level SMTP is a highly helpful tool for dependable emails.


  • A little bit more challenging than standard hosting. Again, being a developer is not necessary, although complete beginners might want to avoid it.
  • The cost of high-resource servers isn\'t as favorable. Cloudways can be costly for high-resource servers because it charges multiple of the underlying hosting cost.
  • No hosting for email. You will want a different email hosting service if you wish to create a personalized email address (you@yoursite.com).

Cloudways FAQ

Let\'s explore some frequently asked questions to wrap up our review of Cloudways.

#1 Is Cloudways Superfast?

Yes! Cloudways is blazing fast and provides fantastic value for the money. The finest performance on a tight budget can be found with the Vultr High-Frequency servers.

#2 Is Cloudways a good option for WordPress?

Yes! The WordPress-optimized server-level caching, staging sites, free WordPress optimization plugin, and other WordPress-specific technologies are all included in the excellent WordPress performance of Cloudways.

#3 Is Cloudways a great option for beginners?

Cloudways is indeed accessible to non-developers, but we wouldn\'t suggest it to brand-new website owners who are just starting started. Until you are familiar with the fundamentals of managing your website, you might want to pick a more conventional host.

#4 How long is Cloudways free trial?

The free trial lasts for three days. After that, you’ll be falling in love and have already chosen a plan.

#5 How does Cloudways billing work?

Pay-as-you-go billing is available from Cloudways; there are no binding agreements. Every month, you\'ll be charged depending on your actual usage, which is calculated by the hour. You\'ll get an invoice based on your usage from the previous month at the beginning of the month.

#6 So Should You Use Cloudways?

As we said at the beginning, Cloudways is a great host that can deliver fantastic performance for a reasonable price, but it isn\'t the best host for everyone.

Therefore, let\'s discuss when to choose Cloudways and when to select a different host (along with some good Cloudways alternatives).

Cloudways My Next Web-hosting

Thanks to its innovative cloud hosting strategy, Cloudways is a fantastic choice if you\'re searching for good performance on a tight budget. If you use page caching, even the simplest DigitalOcean server may host numerous websites with astonishing amounts of traffic.

Go to Cloudways

Use Another Host If…

First and foremost, if you are a newbie who has never built a website and/or feels overwhelmed by basic technical details, Cloudways may not be for you. Hostinger, on the other hand, could be a viable option. If you want something beginner-friendly, Bluehost i

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